Jan Mursak Press Conference for Telemach

Jan Mursak is a Slovenian hockey player currently playing in the NHL league in the states. But because of the lock-down situation across the ocean many of the players are seeking temporary clubs to play and train while the negotiations last. Jan decided to come back to his home country and play for the Telemach Olimpija team.

I´ve been asked by Telemach to cover their press event. The event itself was pretty standard/short with all the major news houses present. I arrived about an hour early to choose the spot and set up the lighting which with two lights was simple at it´s core. After the general ˝inquisition˝ I had about two minutes to make a portrait or two, before saying thank you and goodbye and Jan was on his way.

Special thanks goes to Peter Percic for making the shoot possible.

Click on a photo for a larger view.
